Research & Data Subcommittee

Data and Accountability Tool

The Data and Accountability tool, created by Beacon Economics, has 5 tabs that can be used to analyze industries, occupations, wages, and education providers throughout LA County. Each tab also provides options to view trends within each Service Planning Area (SPA) with data dating back at least 10 years, and in some cases, 20 years.


Informing Evidence-Based Economic Development Strategies

The California Community Foundation (CCF) and the Economic Development Corporation of Los Angeles County (LAEDC) are now accepting Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for the following competitive solicitations:

  1.  Regional Summary, SWOT Analysis, Labor Market Analysis
    • The Los Angeles Collaborative seeks a qualified consultant to develop a CJF Regional Index to profile the region’s economic development environment and provide an Economic Development Summary. Any proposed analysis would need to address economic conditions experienced by the various demographic groups residing in the region and demonstrate a plan as to how best to capture missing gaps as well as partners necessary to assist with outreach and survey efforts to the different ethnic groups.
  2. Industry Clusters, Regional Benchmark, and Accountability Data Tool
    • The Los Angeles Collaborative is seeking a qualified consultant to develop a countywide Regional Benchmark and Accountability Data Tool with a dynamic geographic overlay of all nine subregions identified by the LA Collaborative (Los Angeles County Service Planning Areas (SPA) 1 through SPA 8, with SPA 6 split into part 6-a and part 6-b).  The data tool will be used by industry, education, and community-based organizations (CBOs) in the Collaborative to understand their constituent challenges, unmet needs, and barriers to recovery, to conclude, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making. As part of the Industry Clusters analysis, an assessment of the impacts of climate change on targeted emerging industries, sectors, or clusters and how these impacts might hinder the success of the proposed plans and transition strategies (e.g., damage to critical infrastructure, cost of pollution control, loss of productivity, loss of population) will be included.
  3. ER-CJF-03 Economic Research and CJF Research and Data SWOT, Partnerships and Gap Analysis 
    • As a part of the CJF regional summary, the Los Angeles Collaborative is seeking a qualified consultant to perform an in-depth analysis of regional Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (i.e., SWOT), especially as it relates to equitable economic resilience and growth of sustainable industry clusters. The CJF Research and Data SWOT, Partnerships, and Gaps Analysis will draw from data and components covering the Los Angeles County region. The analysis should provide insight into all nine subregions identified by the LA Collaborative (Los Angeles County Service Planning Areas (SPA) 1 through SPA 8, with SPA 6 split into part 6-a and part 6-b). Any proposed analysis would need to address economic conditions experienced by the various demographic groups residing in the region and demonstrate a plan as to how best to capture missing gaps and partners necessary to assist with outreach and survey efforts to the different ethnic groups.

Research & Data Meeting Mins & Resources

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Meeting Notes & Resources